Meditation Mentoring

Hi there!

I am Joshua and want to enable you to silently, secularly meditate.

You think silent meditation could be something for you, but you can't find it yet? Do you already have meditation experience and are looking for new impulses?

Meditation is very easy! You hardly have to do anything and can improve your quality of life.

Smiling emojiSmiling emoji One on One coaching
📜 certified, trained meditation coach
🇩🇪🇬🇧 German or English
📞 Video call or in person in Hanover or Berlin
⚙️ secular meditation technique
🧘‍♂️ theory and practice


introductory meeting: book (Videocall)

Further information

Prices – individual coaching
  • Introductory appointment – ​​free of charge
  • 20 minutes – 30€
  • 40min – 60€
  • 60min – 90€
  • Zur Zeit keine geplant
Positive effects of meditation
  • Tiefgreifende Entspannung und emotionale Stabilität
  • Verbesserung der körperlichen Gesundheit
  • Steigerung von Präsenz und Bewusstsein
  • Metakognition und Konzentrationsfähigkeit
  • Dekonditionierung und Selbstakzeptanz
  • Erkenntnis und innere Klarheit
  • Tiefe Einsichten und meditative Freude
  • Entwicklung von Mitgefühl und Empathie
Basic topics
  1. Motivation
  2. Sich Meditation angewöhnen
  3. Übersicht über den Meditationskosmos
  4. Idee der Meditation
  5. Den Rahmen schaffen
  6. Posture
  7. Sitzhaltung
  8. Kern: Tun vs. “Geschehen Lassen”
  9. Breath
  10. Erfahrungen & mögliche Aktivitäten
  11. Aufregung und Schlaffheit
  12. Meditationswelle & Aufwachen
  13. Meditation day
In-depth topics
  • Model of perception
  • Integration in den Alltag
  • Weitere Meditationsformen und Angrenzendes
About me

Waded through a river with crocodiles on the left and right in Mali in 2009 because it was the only way out of the village.

  • Grew up near Hanover
  • Technical studies in Hamburg and Berlin
  • 7.5 years working as a software engineer
  • Zen meditation started in Bremen via yoga
  • Training to become a certified meditation coach in the Studio am Stern with Florian Reinartz
  • Current place of residence is Hanover
  • Meditation lessons in courses, workshops and individual coaching